Aime’ SansSavant

As sincere as your first kiss and illusive as heat lightning, Aime' SansSavant has shamelessly 'been one acquainted with the night.' A born-too-late flapper philosopher, when not in the stacks or on stage, you will most likely find her 'burning her candle at both ends' walking along the Press St. tracks drinking cheap champagne right from the bottle holding 'one perfect rose.' But if you want to 'be for her like rain' invite her out to sit 'where the sidewalk ends,' and share in the fatuousness of dexterous conversation; she's been waiting for you, so why not stay this time to 'ask her what she thought about before you were lovers' and 'made a great mess of love.' The memory of your scent on her sheets will be her next party trick... Stay Tuned.